
Honey on Chipotle

O Chipotle, how I love thee!
Today while driving to Hollywood I noticed that a new Chipotle location will be opening soon in Culver City, at the intersection of Washington and Sepulveda Blvds. Needless to say, I applied for a job there immediately upon returning home.

Here is an excerpt from my application:
I was born and raised in Denver, CO and grew up in the shadow of the original Chipotle (on Evans Blvd, near DU). I have always loved Chipotle. My friends and I used to drive across town and spend our entire lunch hour waiting in line, until a location opened closer to our high school.

I went to college here in LA, and (besides skiing) the thing from back home I missed most was Chipotle. A location finally appeared in Westlake Village when I was a junior.

I am overjoyed to see that this new location will be opening soon within walking distance of my digs here on the Westside. It is fortuitous that I also happen to be looking for part-time work to help support my business as an iPhone app developer.
Fingers crossed. Whether they want to hire me or not, this may be the closest I have ever lived to a Chipotle!

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