
Et tu, Fearless Flyer?

I always enjoy reading through Trader Joe's entire Fearless Flyer as soon as we get it, and sometimes I even advocate it to my friends and colleagues as an example of the kind of old-school, high-quality copywriting that seems to have fallen by the wayside over the past fifty years or so.

Needless to say, I was rather shocked to find an inappropriately apostrophized "it's" on the front page of the latest issue, in the first paragraph of the article titled "Chocolate Gift Bars in Milk or Dark". The full phrase reads "...and even has IT'S own built-in gift tag...".

I know you are better than such amateurish sloppiness and I'm sure the glaring grammatical glitch was merely an honest oversight. I trust your editors will return to their previously excellent standard of attention to detail in future issues.

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