
Honey on Sports Night

I saw the first three episodes of The Newsroom and it inspired me to go back and re-watch its "spiritual prequel"*, Sports Night.

It's pretty corny... the music, the laugh track, and especially Aaron Sorkin's incessantly snappy/sappy/sassy/highfalutin stage-play-style writing. They don't make 'em like they used to.

In case you'd forgotten (or, heaven forbid, you never watched Sports Night in the first place) here are some choice quotes from the first few episodes of Aaron Sorkin's debut TV series:
"Not fitting in is how qualified people lose jobs."

"And in that moment, Dan was reminded once again why he wanted to write in the first place. It's for the same reason anybody does anything: to impress women."

"What we did wasn't food and it wasn't shelter and it sure wasn't sports. It was just mean."
--Jeremy, re: hunting
Clearly Jeremy was the best character on the show and if I ever meet Joshua Malina again** I will tell him so.

* In fact from now on I'm just going to pretend that Sports Night IS a prequel to The Newsroom, that Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) is a decade-older version of Casey McCall (Peter Krause)***, and that Mackenzie MacHale (Emily Mortimer) is a decade-older version of Dana Whitaker (Felicity Huffman).

** Back when I was in college, before I had ever seen Sports Night, I spotted Joshua Malina at the Malibu Duke's on Taco Tuesday. Here's how our conversation went:

ME: Excuse me, I'm really sorry to bother you, but are you famous?
HIM: Well, I am an actor...
ME: I thought so! Blue's Clues, right?
HIM: No... maybe you know me from The West Wing?
ME: Oh yeah! I love that show. Although it hasn't been as good since Sorkin left.
HIM: Yeah... well... we all miss him...
ME: Yeah... anyway, nice meeting you! Enjoy your tacos!
Sorry, Jeremy! I mean, Joshua.

*** Older readers may recall that real-world news pundit Keith Olbermann, whose feather-ruffling behavior recalls that of The Newsroom's Will McAvoy, got his start as an anchor on ESPN's Sports Center and was even the host of a short-lived real-world sports show also called SportsNight (no space) on ESPN 2.

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