
The voice inside your head

Some people hear multiple voices in their heads. Those people are nuts.

But it’s perfectly normal to hear a single voice in your head, right? That’s just your inner monologue.

So how do you know it’s “yours”? Because it sounds like you?

Maybe it has to be yours by definition. Maybe that’s all you really are — a voice. In your own head. But are you not also your body? I suppose you are the sum of many things. You’re a pattern that arises from a number of individual components.

The voice in your head is therefore certainly a part of you. Would you be aware of it, though, if it were somebody else’s voice inside your head? It would still be “you” because it would be one of your several individual components, but it wouldn’t be you in the sense that you had control over it.

So perhaps a better definition of you, the essential you, is your will, the thing that controls the other things. So your body isn't really "you" because your body is subjugated to the control of your mind. The voice in your head, perhaps.

You know in cartoons where there’s a little angel and a little demon that whisper things into the main character’s ear? Maybe they're really onto something. What if you only have partial control over that voice? For example, when you listen to somebody else, aren't you giving control over to that person?

What if angels and demons, God and the Devil, are constantly invading your thoughts with suggestions and messages? Which brings me to this thought: how do you know God isn’t constantly in control of your inner voice? Or the Devil? Or both? What if your inner voice is actually a battlefield, and it’s ALWAYS under control of either God or the Devil? And these two powers are just duking it out inside your brain all the time…

Are you just a spectator? You certainly have a dog in this fight. So choose a side! The war in your brain will never end. This is the nature of all existence. Draw your sword and enter the fray.